• IMBH 2022- Internationale Malerei Biennale Hamburg

    Umwelt im Ökologiediskurs: Wasserstoff 07. November ’22 bis 30. Januar ’23 Ausstellung selektierter Kunstwerke anläßlich der VIII. Int. Malerei Biennale Hamburg 2020 (verschoben auf 2022 aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie). Die Ausstellung steht unter der Schirmherrschaft von…

  • MEAM – Barcelona # European Museum of Modern Art

    Group exhibition organised by Artio Gallery / Toronto 04 – 06  November 2022 My paintings were shown during the exhibition Interconnecting Lines at the museum MEAM European Museum of Modern Art exhibition wing – room…

  • Carrousel du Louvre – Paris

    Salon International d’Art Contemporain 21 – 23 Oktober 2022 My paintings were presented by Artio Gallery. Carrousel du Louvre 99, rue de Rvoli, 75001 Paris Carrousel du Louvre Lavande/Lavendelfeld

  • Last Exhibition in Ballhaus, Düsseldorf

    The exhibition „ABSTRACTING NATURE“ shows new paintings of Kerstin Grobler and Elisabeth Wagner. 02 – 11 Sptember 2022 Before the Ballhaus finally closes its doors for the traditional art exhibitions in the Düsseldorf Nordpark, in…

  • Exhibition GALERIA AZUR Berlin – KUGA

    27 August to 24 September 2022 Opening of the group exhibition INTERLUDE on Saturday, August 27, 2022 at 6 p.m. Featured Artist Kerstin Grobler/KUGA (Germany).   Galeria Azur, Karl-Marx-Allee 62, Berlin – Featured Artist KUGA (Germany).…