• Traveling Exhibition – Stop Potsdam

    Environment in ecological discourse  1st stop: POTSDAM / November 1st, 2023 to March 2024  – Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labor and Energy of the State of Brandenburg; Venue: Heinrich-Mann-Allee 107, Potsdam The KAM gallery of…

  • Exhibition “Across Europe” in Düsseldorf

    Landscapes and Impressions  of Europe Exhibition in the Landesamt für Besoldung und Versorgung NRW (State Office for Salary and Supply of North Rhine-Westphalia) November 9th, 2023 to January 8th, 2024 Opening: November 9, 2023, 10:30…

  • Kunstpunkte Düsseldorf ~ Open Studio

    My studio rooms in Düsseldorf-Friedrichstadt  are opened to my public every year. Discover my new canvas works or browse through my small paper and canvas works. I look forward to your visit. Opening hoursSat. 19…

  • Patterns of Nature – exhibition

    Members of my local artists’ circle unart are exhibiting in the rooms of QQTec Hilden.Exhibits: painting, sculpture, photography and jewellery design.I am also participating in the exhibition with 3 works. Opening hoursVernissage 02 June 2023…

  • Wickrath Castle ~ Nassau Stables

    Together with artists from the Quartet SeeART we will be showing paintings and sculptures in the former stables of Wickrath Castle. The exhibition has the title KUNST-MESS[AG]E – an art fair with a message. The…